Options Provider#

The options provider is a special mcfonts-specific provider that is only available when exporting a font with mcfonts. It is not recognized by Vanilla.

It may be declared with a type of either options or mcfonts:options; both are recognized the same.

Every option is contained within a "field" dictionary.

Currently, the valid fields are:

  • width

  • spacing

  • fullwidth

  • shift


Conflicting options (fullwidth, spacing) will be resolved by simply using the option that is lower down in the list.


    "type": "mcfonts:options",
    "fields": {
        "width": {"A": 0},
        "shift": {"A": [5, 6]},
        "spacing": {"A": 1},
        "fullwidth": {"A": true}


The width option controls the total width of a character's glyph. It is an integer. By default, unset means automatic. A width of 0 means that a glyph will not take any space.

If 'A' has a width of 0, and 'B' has a width of 8, AB would appear as if B was overlaid atop of the A.

    "type": "mcfonts:options",
    "fields": {
        "width": {
            "A": 0


This option conflicts with: fullwidth.


The spacing option controls the number of padding is added to the end of a glyph. It is a positive integer. By default, it is 1.

    "type": "mcfonts:options",
    "fields": {
        "spacing": {
            "A": 20,
            "B": 0


The fullwidth option is a simple switch for automatically changing the width to the image width for a character. It is a boolean.

If true, that character's glyph will have a width equal to their entire cell width. If false, does nothing.

    "type": "mcfonts:options",
    "fieldss": {
        "fullwidth": {
            "A": true,
            "B": false


This option conflicts with: width.


The shift option controls how a character's glyph is moved. It is 2-number array that controls the number of pixels a character's glyph will be shifted horizontally or vertically.

The first element controls the horizontal shifting (positive is rightwards, negative is leftwards).
The second element controls the vertical shifting (positive is upwards, negative is downwards).
    "type": "mcfonts:options",
    "fields": {
        "shift": {
            "A": [5, 10],
            "B": [-3, 0],
            "C": [0, 1]

A shift of [0, 0] is equivalent to being unset; it does nothing.