
General exceptions.

Module Contents#

exception mcfonts.exceptions.CharacterPaddingError#

Bases: ExportError

Raised when a requested character is in mcfonts.constants.PADDING_CHARS.

exception mcfonts.exceptions.ExportError#

Bases: Exception

Base parent class for all exceptions that may be raised when exporting a provider's characters.

exception mcfonts.exceptions.GlyphLimitError#

Bases: Exception

Raised when a font has 65,535 characters allocated and that no more can be added.

exception mcfonts.exceptions.ProviderError#

Bases: Exception

Raised when a mcfonts.providers.AnyProvider is expected but not found.

exception mcfonts.exceptions.ReferenceChildError#

Bases: Exception

Raised when another reference provider is given as the child provider for a reference provider.

exception mcfonts.exceptions.ResourceError#

Bases: ExportError

Raised when a resource is expected but does not exist.